Friday, April 16, 2010


Well, it happened again … you know, that seemingly uneventful drive along a well known route when all of the sudden something that’s always been there takes on a new meaning …

On this particular evening I drove down a familiar road and began to notice the great workmanship before me. The four lanes were wide such that many travelers could pass simultaneously. The road striping was visibly fresh. The curbs were unbroken and uniform. Street lights strategically placed at consistent increments illuminated, affording safe night time navigation. The flat terrain contributed nicely to the solid foundation upon which I drove, allowing me to see the long smooth course before me. As I looked straight ahead, peering into the distance, these words returned to me:

Stay always within the boundaries where God’s love can reach and bless you.
June 21 The Living Bible

Stay always within the boundaries … suddenly the curbs represented more to me than a nice edging to distinguish between the road and field stretched beside it. These were boundaries, limits within which the vehicles would find the best passage.

In light of the road before me, it seemed silly that anyone might consider leaving the pavement to travel on the unimproved grassy banks. While the powerful machines we drive could certainly tackle such feats, the ride would be bumpy, difficult and likely result in unnecessary wear and tear. Such a decision would clearly be unwise.

Yet I pondered: How often do we choose a path along life’s way quite unimproved from that which our Savior has prepared for us? He promised us the Holy Spirit would guide us, though do we heed His still small voice? Although we have all sinned and fallen short of His glory (Romans 3:23), we can decide even now that our highest priority is to respond obediently when He speaks. Life will take on new meaning and our travels will be met with greater ease as we move in the direction He intended for us. Consider this:

Yet the Lord pleads with you still: Ask where the good road is, the godly paths you used to walk in, in the days of long ago. Travel there, and you will find rest for your souls.
Jeremiah 6:16a The Living Bible

I safely reached my destination that evening. And in the days that followed I traveled that same road many times. Yet with each passing I examine again the choices I make and remember His kind voice that whispered to my soul: Stay within the boundaries …

So how has your journey been lately? Are you eagerly looking for His signs along the way? Are you expectantly waiting for His voice and leading, excited about another opportunity to respond in obedience? I’d love to hear about your travels … post a note so others, too, can be encouraged!

Many Blessings …
Tanja Dufrene
Women’s Ministries
Highpointe Church

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