Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Feast or Famine?

“You are borderline anemic.” I can still hear the doctor’s words after all these years. The results of the checkup surprised me. I found myself full of questions: What is anemia? What are its effects? How is it corrected? And so forth. Thankfully this is no longer an issue for me; subsequent tests never yielded the same results.

Yet because of his words to me, I began to research and learned that anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells. Red blood cells provide oxygen to body tissues and cells depend on oxygen for survival. Symptoms include fatigue and weakness and since this condition tends to develop slowly, adaptation occurs. It often goes unrecognized for some time. As you can see, anemia is not a health condition to be ignored. Simply stated, something was missing that could affect everything else!

As I reflected back on that memory, I thought of Christ and the rich blood He shed for us. He knew we need a relationship with our Father, the God who created us, and that His blood would bridge the gap our sin created. Many who read this have already accepted Jesus Christ as personal Savior, the One who restores our relationship with the Father But, is there something missing --- something seemingly tiny and unseen that affects everything much like red blood cells? Have you ever thought about what provides oxygen to your spiritual blood?

Here’s what Paul wrote to Timothy:

There’s nothing like the written Word of God for showing you the way to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another---showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.
2 Timothy 3:15-17 The Message

In essence our spiritual blood becomes full of oxygen Through the Word so we are in shape to complete the tasks God has for us.

The doctor’s findings at that time resulted in corrective action for me. I put into practice his recommendations and have met with success. My body is healthy and functions well now. Just as my body was deficient of iron yet corrective action restored health, so our spirits find health in the Word (The Holy Bible).

So, how’s your red blood count spiritually? Do you feast on His Word daily? Or is your spiritual blood anemic, taking in His Word only occasionally? What corrections do you need to make to restore health? Are you reading the Word on a regular basis, considering its message and putting it into practice? I vividly remember when the importance of daily reading His Word occurred to me. I was a young adult. Taking that daily dose has made all the difference.

I’d love to hear about what the Spirit whispers to your soul as you feast on the Word! Send me an email or post a note ...

Many Blessings,
Tanja Dufrene
Women’s Ministries
Highpointe Church - OKC

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