Monday, November 1, 2010

Happiness ...

Have you ever thought about just how much time is spent in an automobile? That’s not something that often crosses my mind, yet, here I was again, traveling down the road for an extended period of time when my otherwise non-eventful frame of mind was interrupted …

“Happiness for $1” the billboard sign read. Hum, happiness, I thought. I remember asking someone several years ago what they wanted out of life. The answer was forthcoming with only a slight delay, clearly articulate and simply this: “I just want to be happy.”

Happy or happiness, just how do we find this elusive state of being anyway? As we continued to pass one mile marker, then another, and another along the way I continued to ponder the advertisement. The bright red background was an attention getter. And the extra large glasses of Coca-Cola and Iced Tea looked refreshing and desirable. The promise that happiness could be found in these exhilarating beverages was clearly the message. Yet could a mere liquid truly provide such satisfaction?

Happiness, I continued to ponder. Some words that are synonymous with happiness include contentment, enchantment, exuberance, and jubilation. I’ve heard it said that true happiness is: 1) having something to do, 2) having something for which to look forward, and 3) having someone with which to share it all. Searching further I found that one dictionary records happiness as a state of well-being. Again, I wondered, how can we attain this desirable state?

As the miles passed these thoughts simply would not leave me. Finally, I began to call out to the God who created me, searching for His answer and greater clarification. In His ever tender way, He reminded me of His Word:

Happy are all who perfectly follow the laws of God. Happy are all who search for God, and always do His will, rejecting compromise with evil and walk only in His paths.
Psalm 119:2-3 LvB

Ah, yes! It is indeed possible to be happy, to find a state of well-being. It’s all about following the laws of God! And speaking of laws, in a mere few hours, we will be presented again with the privilege and responsibility of voting. Will you review the choices before us, comparing them to God’s laws, seeking and voting for that which most closely aligns with His Word? His promise of peace is clear:

I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone --- for kings (or in our culture, presidents) and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
1 Timothy 2:1-4 niv

By the way, a sample ballot can be viewed at I hope we will all consider prayerfully the votes soon to be cast.

Many Blessings ….
Tanja Dufrene
Women’s Ministries
Highpointe Church OKC

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